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Monday, August 16, 2010

Dear Employees of the Italian Consolate in Manhattan

You people are the most despicable, unprofessional people I have ever met, and I wok at TJ Max. 
Firtst you keep packs of people waiting outside of the door in the rain like animals. 
Then when you finally let people in, no earlier than their appointment times, you lead them down the dark stairs into a dirty dingy hallway without explaining where each person should go.
You post old applications and forms on your website and then have an attitude with the people who come inside the office with the out of date forms.  And even worse, you force people to fill out the new form which ask for the same information as the old form but in a different order. 
People are advised to make appointments months in advance, however, when they finally allow people inside the building they are forced into a real waiting room where their appointment times come and go. 
The 'office' that the meetings are conducted in is actually in the waiting room, and five feet away from where everyone waits.  You take everyone's private personal information and yell it over a loud speaker.  You barely speak English and you don't explain anything that may be confusing.  You rush people in and out of their meetings that they booked in advance and waited all morning for. 
You mail out pointless lists to people that explain to each person what to bring to the embassy, however you add things to the list at the last minute and at the worst possible times.
You people are rude and think that because you can stamp approved or denied on a stack of papers that gives you the right to act like total assholes.  You sit behind a desk and hide behind a glass wall and a microphone and you say things like 'lodging' and expect people from America to understand that lodging means place to live. 
Dear Employees of the Italian Consolate in Manhattan,
               I guess what I am trying to say, is that though my personal experience at your fine establishment can be described as a wholesome helpful success, you can go fuck yourselves with something hard and sand-papery.


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