Welcome to Uuughhh

A place for me to finally get my unheard opinions out to anyone who would be willing to read it (people with way too much time on their hands)

But this isn't just for me. If you have something you want to wine about but don't want to leave a comment feel free to email me at bajastiletto@gmail.com

Listen to some hot new music by my personal friends, read some crap post some crap, and share with your friends because this really is a spectator sport.


Saturday, August 28, 2010

Things I Learned Today

While travelling in Paris, France with a group of students from my college I did expect to learn life long lessons that would forever change my outlook on life.  I assumed the culture would shock me and the differences would take me completely out of my comfort zone. 
Today, however, I learned some valuable lessons from a European young man that I will be sure to take with me in my daily life.

1. Never do acid alone
2. When you do acid cartoon spiders fall from the sky
3. My parents did acid
4. Chrystal Meth is a compilation of all the drugs on the planet
5. Cocaine is totally okay

With these valuable facts, I will live my life accordingly and be a better person for it!


Monday, August 16, 2010

Dear Employees of the Italian Consolate in Manhattan

You people are the most despicable, unprofessional people I have ever met, and I wok at TJ Max. 
Firtst you keep packs of people waiting outside of the door in the rain like animals. 
Then when you finally let people in, no earlier than their appointment times, you lead them down the dark stairs into a dirty dingy hallway without explaining where each person should go.
You post old applications and forms on your website and then have an attitude with the people who come inside the office with the out of date forms.  And even worse, you force people to fill out the new form which ask for the same information as the old form but in a different order. 
People are advised to make appointments months in advance, however, when they finally allow people inside the building they are forced into a real waiting room where their appointment times come and go. 
The 'office' that the meetings are conducted in is actually in the waiting room, and five feet away from where everyone waits.  You take everyone's private personal information and yell it over a loud speaker.  You barely speak English and you don't explain anything that may be confusing.  You rush people in and out of their meetings that they booked in advance and waited all morning for. 
You mail out pointless lists to people that explain to each person what to bring to the embassy, however you add things to the list at the last minute and at the worst possible times.
You people are rude and think that because you can stamp approved or denied on a stack of papers that gives you the right to act like total assholes.  You sit behind a desk and hide behind a glass wall and a microphone and you say things like 'lodging' and expect people from America to understand that lodging means place to live. 
Dear Employees of the Italian Consolate in Manhattan,
               I guess what I am trying to say, is that though my personal experience at your fine establishment can be described as a wholesome helpful success, you can go fuck yourselves with something hard and sand-papery.


Monday, August 9, 2010

Happy Anniversery

Who says anniversaries are just for married couples?  Aren't anniversaries a celebration for the love people share for one another?  Is society trying to tell us that only married couples can be in love?  What does that say for gay rights?  What does that say for long term couples around the country?  What does that say for friends who have been through just as much as married couples and want to celebrate their feelings for one another.  Today is the six year anniversary of me and my best friend and I'm not ashamed to say it!  We were meant to be friends forever....and if you don't like it don't join in the festivities!!!


Saturday, August 7, 2010


So I guess my question of the day is where does all the money that people donate to chaity funds end up?  By the way the world is going it's clear that no one is really trying to cure any kind of cancer, or aids, or poverty, or homelessness, or help the abused animals or children.  And yet millions of dollars are raised everyday with the belief that once you put your money in that jar it's going towards the greater good. 
And now that I've mentioned it, have you ever taken a good look at the person asking for donations?  Don't they always look a tad shady?  Like you really think that because you put it in a plastic jar I'm supposed to believe that the minute I turn away your not putting the money in your wallet?  In fact, I'd rather give my money away to a homeless man or an abused donkey or whatever, so at least that way the money is actually going toward it. 
Luckily I don't have that problem, becuase I don't give my money away to anyone.


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

It's NOT Time to Jarty!

Jeans are a necessity in any person's wardrobe.  Whether its flared out jeans, skinny jeans, jeans with holes in them, designer jeans, full length jeans, boot cut jeans, capri jeans, or jean shorts, it would be an understatement to say that a classic pair of jeans completes all wardrobes.
That being said....fashion designers have taken denim to a disgusting level of tackiness.
Jean vest, jean jackets, jean hats, jean bags, jean shoes....these are not part of the timeless classic denim fashion I was speaking about before.  However, even after all these fashion fuck ups...I was willing to look the other way.  Until I saw blue jean diapers for toddlers by Huggies.
Has the world gone insane?  Why would anyone think it was cool to have kids urinate in a denim diaper?  Did wake up in a trailor park this morning?  Is that why it's suddenly okay to wear double denim?  In fact it's more than okay...it's fashionable?
This is not the world I dreamed of living in.
